Eicher Truck Insurance Online

Eicher truck insurance covers the damages or loss of eicher truck due to theft, accident or any kind of natural or manmade disaster. While third party eicher truck insurance provides protection against third party liabilities, comprehensive insurance covers both third party property damages, liabilities and own damages to eicher trucks.

Eicher truck insurance prices

Popular eicher truck models and their insurance prices –

EICHER PRO 10.4915751
EICHER PRO 204915751
EICHER PRO 10.7516050
EICHER PRO 301534149

Types of Eicher truck insurance online

There are two types of eicher truck insurance you can avail online in India –

  1. Third Party Eicher Truck Insurance – Covers damages to third party property upto 7.5 lac provided not opted for limited third party cover & unlimited cover to liabilities arising out of third party deaths or injuries in case of an accident involving insured eicher truck. Third party eicher truck insurance does not provide coverage to own damages or loss of your eicher truck.
  2. Comprehensive or Package/First Party Eicher Truck Insurance -Provides coverage against third party losses as well as covers losses in case of accident, theft or any manmade or natural disaster such us floods, landslides, storms etc.

What’s covered in Eicher truck insurance?

accident coverage


Any damage or total loss in case of an accident is covered in truck insurance policy.

fire coverage


Commercial truck insurance ensures the truck owner is covered for financial losses in case the vehicle is damages or lost completely due to a fire hazard involving insured truck.

truck theft cover


Loss of vehicle because of truck is covered in commercial truck insurance.

natural calamity damages


Damages or losses caused due to any kind of natural calamity such as floods, landslides, storms are covered in truck insurance policy.

towing disabled coverage in truck insurance


Losses caused to or by a truck while its being towed are covered for claims in commercial truck insurance policy.

third party truck insurance


Third party property damages are covered by 7.5 lac and injuries or deaths of third party persons are covered by unlimited amount in a truck insurance policy.

Exclusions in Eicher truck insurance

Following are the exclusions in an eicher truck insurance policy
• General Wear & Tear
• Any loss or damage to the insured vehicle due to war, invasion or nuclear warfare etc.
• Mechanical or electrical breakdown
• Any loss or damage caused outside the geographical area of coverage as mentioned in the policy.
• Usual depreciation of the value of the goods vehicle.
• Driving without appropriate driving license.
• Non-accidental losses.
• Any loss occurred to insured vehicle while using the vehicle for racing or any illegal purposes.
• Any losses occurred while drunk driving of the goods carrying vehicle.

How to buy Eicher truck insurance online?

  • Select type of eicher truck insurance and enter the details required.
  • Provide details related to your truck including the type of carrier, registration details, vehicle information and vehicle weight.
  • Commercial truck insurance prices for policies offered by different insurers will be quoted.
  • Select the insurance plan you want to buy.
  • Choose the add-on covers of your liking (if any). 
  • Pay the insurance price for the selected plan online through the payment methods provided.
  • Provide the documents that you are required to submit.
  • The truck insurance policy will be issued and a softcopy will be mailed to you. 

Benefits of buying online

An eicher truck insurance policy comes with a number of lucrative benefits. Here are a few of the key benefits –

  • Network Garages- Commercial truck insurance companies provide cashless garages. It enables you to get your truck fixed without any cash transaction at one of the insurer’s network garages.
  • Claim Assistance- In the event of an emergency, the owner/driver of the goods carrier can contact the insurer’s support team at any time for help. They aim to answer all of your questions and assist you in properly registering your claim.
  • No Claim Bonus- No Claim Bonus, or NCB, is a benefit that is awarded to a commercial vehicle insurance policyholder for not filing any claims during the preceding policy duration. It is offered in the form of a discount percentage that may be accumulated and utilized to reduce the cost of commercial truck insurance.
  • Add-On Covers- The best commercial truck insurance companies provide several add-on covers that can be utilized to enhance the protection of trucks. It does, however, come with an additional cost. Some of this add-on coverage include zero depreciation, roadside assistance, debris cleanup costs, and so forth. 

Claim Process

  • Inform the insurance company about the incident.
  • The insurance provider will make a physical inspection of the vehicle.
  • Network garage will make the repair work evaluation.
  • The insurer will approve the repair following the repair work at the network garage.
  • After repairs, the invoice is submitted to the insurance provider.
  • Fill up the claim form and submit all the other required documents.
  • The bill will be settled directly with the network garage.

Documents required

  • Copy of Registration Certificate (RC) of the truck
  • Original loss estimate
  • Original repair bill or invoice
  • Repair bill payment receipt
  • Police FIR (in case of third party liabilities)
  • Vehicle’s keys (in case of theft)
  • Non-traceable certificate (in case of theft)