Tata 207 Insurance

Tata 207 insurance is a legal contract between insured and insurance company for providing financial & liability coverage to tata 207 & it’s owner in case of any accident to or from the vehicle.

It also cover loss or damages to vehicle due to theft, fire & manmade or natural calamities.

tata 207 insurance

Types Of Tata 207 Insurance

There are two types of tata 207 insurance plans available in India

  1. Third Party Insurance – This type of insurance for tata 207 provides coverage against third party property damages up to 7.5 lac rupees and also cover insured for financial liabilities arising due to third party deaths or injuries.
  2. Comprehensive Insurance – Comprehensive or first party tata 207 insurance provide coverage to third party liabilities as well as provide claims for own damages of vehicle in case of accident, theft, fire or any manmade & natural calamity. Comprehensive insurance is best insurance plan for commercial vehicles as it will protect both insured & third parties at the time of accident.

Tata 207 Insurance Price

One can buy third party tata 207 insurance which costs 15750+GST with liability only coverages while comprehensive tata 207 insurance price costs about 19000 to 20000 Including taxes in India. It can cost more if the vehicle is new and has high IDV value.

Tata 207 Insurance : Policy Inclusions

Tata 207 insurance comes with following benefits

  1. Coverage against third party property damages.
  2. Third party liability coverage.
  3. Protect your tata 207 in case of partial or total loss of vehicle due to fire hazards.
  4. Theft
  5. Manmade & Natural Calamities are covered in Tata 207 Insurance

Policy Exclusions

  1. Does not provide claims if the driver is found in the influence of alcohol or drug abuse at the time of accidents.
  2. Does not protects own damages for third party liability only policy holders.
  3. Vehicle driven with invalid license or expired fitness.
  4. If tata 207 is used for other purposes other than mentioned in “Limitations of use” in policy certificate.

How To File A claim In Tata 207 Insurance Policy

If you have been involved in an accident and need to raise a claim for damages occurred you need to call on the toll free number provided in the policy paper and intimate the insurer about the accident.

After the intimation process insurer will assign a claim surveyor for the verification of claimed damages and will provide settlement amount once the surveyor has approved the claim.

Documents Required At The Time Of Claim

List of documents required for raising a claim in Tata 207 Insurance policy

  1. Valid RC Copy
  2. Insurance Certificate
  3. Valid fitness Certificate.
  4. F.I.R. copy for the accidental claims.
  5. All other vehicle tax paper & challan


What are the amount details for tata 207 insurance?

Tata 207 insurance amount for liability only third party policy is 15750 plus taxes in India.

What is the difference between third party & first party truck insurance?

Third party insurance provide coverage to insured against financial liabilities caused due to third party property damages or loss/injuries to third party lives

Planning to buy new tata 207 – check the vehicle specifications from official tata motors.

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